Read My Articles

Here are some of the places where you’ll find my articles published:

Schaffhauser Bauer ( I assist the editor with layout and write articles for the Schaffhauser Bauer, a weekly inset into the daily Swiss paper, the Schaffhauser Nachrichten.

Country Guide, A Canadian farm business magazine. I’ve written several full feature articles about agriculture in Switzerland, Zambia and Italy, with more to come.

BauernZeitung,  I regularly write a farm woman portrait for this weekly Swiss farm paper, such as the article about Margrit Gasser:

Country Roads – memoirs from rural Canada, an anthology. One of 34 authors, my story “I am a … farmer” talks about my identity crisis when we rented out our farm after a lifetime, it seemed, of being a farmer. I write of growing up on a family farm first in Switzerland, then on a pioneer farm in northern Canada.

Grainews ( I write feature articles with photos, on a wide range of topics. Two front page stories have covered a farmer who successfully grows malt barley year after year, and another farmer using alternative fertilizers. I’ve written about commercial farming  and conservation farming in Zambia and many other topics.

Blog online:  For four years I wrote stories for the Western Producer, Canada,  from wherever I was – Europe, Africa, Canada – from the vantage point of a farmer. I wrote about our experiences consulting with small scale farmers in Zambia; about the wonderful volunteers working to put together a Rotary Club dinner theatre in Westlock, AB; about a young woman who operates a family farm in Switzerland and grows wild flower seeds.

Hearts of the Country Magazine: ( – Hearts of the Country was a national publication celebrating Canadian farm and rural women as the backbone, strength, heart and soul of Rural Canada. I’ve written several stories for it – writing of my role models in Canada, Switzerland and Zambia.

Zambian Farmer, a Zambian farm magazine for the large commercial and small scale farmer. I’ve written several feature articles covering conservation farming in Zambia, and the wheat harvest in Canada.

Schweizer Bauer, a Swiss farm paper ( I wrote two ‘extras’ for the paper edition covering the wheat harvest in Canada and the farm situation in Zambia and hope to write more.


3 Responses to Read My Articles

  1. Liebe Marianne!
    Ich habe von Magdalena gehört, dass Du zur Zeit in der CH weilst…
    Wir sind seit 9 Monaten in Südafrika und arbeiten hier mit All Nations zusammen. Im Verlauf der vergangenen Monate ist immer mehr das Thema “Farming Gods way” aufgekommen. Wir haben heute in der Hausgemeinde einen Teil des Trainings auf DVD angeschaut. Es scheint, dass es ein wichtiges und gutes Tool ist in Afrika, nicht nur um die Lebensumstände zu verbessern sondern auch im Zusammenhang mit Gemeindebau. Gerne würden wir Euch treffen, wenn wir vom 22.11.11 bis 28.12.11 in der CH sind. Wäre das möglich? Wir haben ein paar Fragen…
    Liebe Güsse auch an Robert
    Cornelia & family

  2. Hello Marianne

    I just finished reading an article of yours in the March 12 2012 Grainnews titled European wheat yields.

    I just have a few quick question, you mentioned that there is only on fungicide application at flag leaf to control fusarium. What fungicide was that? In our area in Saskatchewan we find very little efficacy with fungicides controlling fursarium at the flag leaf stage.

    thank you

    • Hi Rory,
      I will ask the farmer that I talked to here in Switzerland about which fungicide he uses for fusarium. It is quite possible it is a label which we Canadians are not allowed to use. Please feel free to write to me using my email address – I check that more regularly than my website.


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