Red/Green! After some reworks by my sister for the cover page of my book, “Laughter in the Shadows” I sent out a second poll to my family, friends and Facebook page with the choice between red, red/green and green. The voter turn-out was great, and the race was close. So close that it was pretty well a toss-up. But I stayed firm and took the one with the majority, even if it was only by two votes. Red/green it is, folks! At least for this first short run. That’s the beauty of self-publishing. If you change your mind, you can change the cover. Although there would have to be good reason to do so. I don’t make up my mind easily. This was a tough decision, and I don’t relish the thought of going through that again.
There’s so much more to authoring a book than to writing it. In fact, writing is only the beginning. I didn’t know that when I started this book. Would it have been written if I had known? I can’t say. I’ve learned so much though. And have a lot to learn yet. That could be a scary thought, or an exciting one! What do you think?
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Blessings on you Marianne…I’m looking forward to reading your book! Maybe I can get a signed copy this summer!